Joel Odom
Senior Research Scientist, CIPHER Lab, Georgia Tech Research Institute
For nearly 20 years, Odom has researched ways to make software and systems more secure. His research with the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) includes efforts to expand FalconView, the computer-based mapping application initially developed by Georgia Tech in 1990 and used today by the U.S. Department of Defense. Through this work, Odom played a leading role in releasing the software to the public. Many state, city and town governments, utility companies and various others now benefit from this version, FalconView, Open Source. Currently, he oversees a reseach team in the Cyber Technologies & Information Security Laboraory at GTRI. In addition to his research, Odom teaches an overview of computer security that exposes students to security principles, cryptography, network security, secure coding, malware, operating system security, privacy, and security policy. He completed a Bachelor's of Physics and a Master's of Information Security at Georgia Tech.
Additional Research
Defense / National Security; Internet Infrastructure & Operating Systems; Software & Applications